
“Hooray for Hollywood” Meets “Wall Street”


What if stock market terminology (“Ugly Buying? Devilish Dictionary Tells All,” June 10) applied to the entertainment industry? The result could be rather interesting:

* Excess liquidity: a movie studio that makes an overabundance of underwater and sea-oriented films such as “Jaws,” “The Deep,” “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” “Moby Dick,” “The Abyss,” etc.

* Stagflation: a soft-core porno flick.

* Circle game: a star actor negotiating a new contract, trying to get the most favorable deal, with as many zeroes in it as possible.


* Bargain hunting: a producer shopping around for a salable low-budget film.

* Soft landing: a movie studio executive who is fired from his current job but who is retained by the studio in a lower-paying capacity.

* Inter-market front-running: an actor who is a favorite for an Academy Award, according to film critics and movie trade journals.

* Program trading: two major networks that swap TV programs in a desperate attempt to boost sagging ratings.


