
The $115,000 Racing Shells for Newport Aquatic Center

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In regard to “Olympic Grants Elude Needier Areas in O.C.” (June 13), I would like to point out the lack of objectivity that makes it appear that the Newport Aquatic Center is an elitist, private club garnering grants that should have gone to more deserving organizations.

The story states: “The private Newport Aquatic Center, where lessons cost $50 and it costs $250 a year to join, received a grant of $115,000 in December, 1986, to buy 15 racing shells.”

The lessons mentioned consist of five lessons for $50 and not $50 per lesson as implied. The $250 a year mentioned is the only cost a member pays. There is no initiation fee and no assessments.


The center is a nonprofit corporation and operates at break-even, with income going back into programs for the development of junior rowers and kayakers. Junior members pay only $175 per year, and we have never turned away a junior who could not afford to pay.

In regard to the statement that the center used the $115,000 to buy 15 racing shells, please be advised that 43 rowing boats, kayaks, oars and paddles were purchased with the money. These were not just racing boats, but included beginners’ and intermediate boats.

The grant to the center was only one of many that were given to rowing and kayaking groups from Santa Barbara to San Diego so that these sports could be developed and brought to the level of those of other countries. The Newport Aquatic Center has recruited junior athletes from schools throughout Orange County for its junior programs, and they have competed with the junior athletes from the other groups given grants by the Amateur Athletic Foundation.


If we are to build our national programs for sports like rowing and kayaking and compete successfully in future Olympics, we need the support of groups like the AAF.

The beach and the dock facility, which was built by the members, are open to the public. The center also provides public restrooms and low-cost ($5) clinics on rowing and kayaking. The clinics are advertised in city recreational bulletins throughout Orange County, with students and members coming from all over the county.

The board of directors and members of the Newport Aquatic Center have no argument with a broader use of the AAF funds. We simply feel that the suggestion that the center is an elitist private club is misrepresentation.



President, Board of Directors

Newport Aquatic Center
