
Mayor Lost for a Good Reason

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I was surprised to learn that Cameron Cosgrove is a Republican (“Is Pioneering Spirit History in Irvine?” June 18).

And he’s right that it shouldn’t matter in a nonpartisan race, but it was Mayor Larry Agran and City Councilman Cosgrove more than any others who turned Irvine politics into partisan, nationally oriented politics. And now he has the gall to complain. It’s not surprising that Cosgrove was ignored in the campaign. Except for Sally Anne Sheridan, the council was a rubber stamp for Agran. Irvine voters didn’t like that.

As for his being a Republican, in contrast to his Democrat-flavored words and actions, it only reinforces the old saying, “There isn’t a dime’s worth of difference!” Of course, I say that from the viewpoint of a Libertarian.



