
New York Cardinal O’Connor’s Warning to Catholic Politicians


I am outraged by the statements made by Thomas. Thomas has apparently forgotten that the mandate of a politician in the United States is not to enforce one’s personally held religious beliefs on others, but rather to listen to one’s constituents and reflect their opinions as their representative in government.

It would be absurd to think that most of our Founding Fathers did not hold strong religious views. But these political architects of our nation knew that they did not have to “choose between God and the state” as Thomas says. They were wise enough to understand that “we, the people” did not all share the same theological thinking. Their credo, “separation of church and state” is a reminder to legislators of all beliefs that they are employees of the people.

If they wish to be employees of God, then they are better suited to a life of pious servitude, but in no case should politicians succumb to O’Connor’s despicable threats of excommunication by allowing his uncompassionate dogma to dictate legislation.



Van Nuys
