
Rolex Watches Attract Robbers


I was distressed to read about the increase in robberies and thefts of Rolex watches (front page, July 9), often accompanied by violence to the wearer.

At first I was depressed that many would-be Rolex wearers might be deprived, through fear, of the opportunity to display a symbol of their success to the world at large. But then I cheered up considerably when I came up with what I think is the perfect solution--what I call “safe success.” Take that $1,000 to $165,000 you were going to spend on a Rolex, and do one or more of the following with it:

* Set up a scholarship (in your name, of course) so that one or more poor kids, who otherwise wouldn’t have a chance, can go to college and maybe become a success;


* Buy a kidney dialysis machine and donate it to a hospital so that somebody’s precious loved one can stay alive;

* Donate playground equipment to an inner-city park, or give the cash to a youth center, so kids will have a nice place to go to escape drugs and gangs and misery;

* Pick a school that seems doomed to turn out losers and dropouts, and buy them a couple of computers, some lab equipment, sports supplies or team uniforms, and see what a difference it makes, what interests and ambitions it sparks;

* Send your money to the Times summer camp fund--you’ll give the gift of freedom to children who are trapped and hopeless.

If you do any of the above--and these are just random suggestions out of a multitude of possibilities--you will have achieved the greatest success of all. You will have made the world a little better for your having been here, and that can never be taken from you.


San Bernardino
