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Description Type: Battleship Displacement: 45,000 tons standard and 57,355 tons full load Dimensions: Length: 888.72 feet, beam: 108.2 feet, draft: 38 feet Armaments: nine 16-inch guns, twelve 5-inch guns and four 20-mm Phalanx guns, 32 Tomahawk land-attack and cruise missiles, 16 Harpoon anti-ship missiles Aircraft: provisions for up to four Kaman Seasprite or Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk helicopters on a platform aft Electronics: One long-range air-search radar, one medium-range air/surface-search radar, one surface-search radar, one navigation radar, eight Mk 36 Super RBOC chaff/flare launchers, one SLQ-25 Nixie towed torpedo-decoy system, one OE-82 satellite communications system, three satellite communications transceivers and one SSR-1 satellite communications receiver Propulsion: Eight Babcock & Wilcox boilers supplying steam to four sets of geared turbines to four shafts. Performance: Maximum speed 35 knots, range 17,275 miles at 17 knots and 5,750 miles at 30 knots Complement: 65 officers and 1,453 sailors Source: Sea Forces of the World; Los Angeles Times research
