
Canceling Egypt’s $7-Billion Defense Debt


Saddam Hussein, with the enthusiastic support of his people, is causing the civilized world billions of dollars in defense and related expenditures. Starting with the first day of the invasion of Kuwait the American people have been forced to pay higher prices for gasoline, and within a short time other goods and services were more expensive. Our taxes will reflect the military expenditures for this insane adventure of Hussein.

It would only seem fair that the United Nations seek reimbursement so that all its members can be paid for the proportionate share of this project. Iraq is one of the largest oil-producing countries. After a successful conclusion, the American people and their allies should see concrete evidence as a result of Iraq’s reparations in lower gasoline prices and lower taxes.

We should contact President Bush, our congressmen and U.S. senators at this time to make plans for reimbursement to the American people and the entire civilized world.



