
AT&T; Says Reach Out Free, Touch a Paratrooper by Fax

From Associated Press

American Telephone & Telegraph Co. said Thursday that it will provide free facsimile service at its 400 U.S. phone sales centers for families and friends wishing to send messages to U.S. military personnel in the Middle East.

The “Desert Fax” service, which will begin Sept. 21, is being introduced at the request of Sen. Alan Cranston, (D-Calif.), who also asked MCI and US Sprint to provide such a service.

AT&T; said the duration of Desert Fax “will depend on several factors, including cost, volume of messages and benefits to military personnel and their families.”


Jerry Edgerton, MCI vice president for government systems, said his company was meeting Thursday with Defense Department officials to consider a range of services to Middle East forces, including facsimile and electronic mail.

US Sprint spokesman Jim Crawford said his company was considering installing more phone lines, electronic mail service and video conferencing.
