
Bob Newhart Named Rose Parade Marshal


Flanked by clowns in whiteface, veteran stand-up comic and actor Bob Newhart took the stage again Tuesday, this time as grand marshal of the 102nd Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena.

Newhart, 61, will head the 5 1/2-mile New Year’s Day parade, the theme of which will be “Fun ‘n’ Games.”

At his introduction at the Tournament House in Pasadena, Newhart said he was one of few comedians, “excluding politicians,” to be so honored in the parade’s history. Other humorists who have led the parade include silent screen comedian Harold Lloyd, ventriloquist Edgar Bergen, columnist Erma Bombeck, cartoonist Charles Schulz and comedians Bob Hope and Danny Kaye.


“In keeping with the Fun ‘n’ Games theme, I was chosen for no particular accomplishment, except for the role comedians play in making the world livable,” Newhart said.

Newhart, whose comedy records and television appearances during the 1960s made him a household name, has starred in two television situation comedies, “The Bob Newhart Show” from 1972 to 1978 and “Newhart” from 1982 until this year. He joked Tuesday that he is considering launching a third series called “The” or “Bob.”

A Bel-Air resident, Newhart will ride in the parade with his wife of 27 years, Ginnie, and their children, Robert, 26; Timothy, 23; Jennifer, 19, and Courtney, 12.

Tournament of Roses Assn. President Roy Coats said he selected the “Fun ‘n’ Games” theme because “there are too many serious things in the world.”
