
MOORPARK : Kindergartners Get AIDS Information

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Moorpark schoolchildren will begin learning about AIDS in kindergarten under goals adopted by the Board of Education for the 1990-91 school year.

“We would tell them that there is a communicable disease that exists and that they need to be careful of their personal habits,” said Chuck Smith, the district’s assistant superintendent of instruction. “Mainly, because they have heard about AIDS through the media, we would try to relieve their anxieties about it.”

“We need to be with the times, “ board member Pam Castro said. “I believe every school district should do this. This disease is a reality.”


Older students will be taught about methods of transmission, including sex and the use of contaminated needles.

Smith, who is developing the curriculum with Kathy Lane, the district’s nurse, said he does not foresee a problem with parents.

Other goals adopted for the school year include expansion of counseling and guidance services for grades K-12 and expanding services to students with special needs such as those with limited English and those who are gifted.
