
Column on Sheriff Gates Came as Breath of Fresh Air


Now it’s Sheriff Brad Gates and his “Gun Club” adding to Orange County’s image as a haven for loose-cannon politicians and cultural Neanderthals who are perpetuated by voter apathy.

We’ve had to listen to jokes about Robert Dornan, Bill Dannemeyer, Gil Ferguson and John Lewis (all Republicans, of course), and now we have Brad Gates strangely supported by a board of wimpy supervisors who long ago forgot their true priorities.

After having to cough up nearly $1 million in taxpayer dollars to cover Brad Gates’ previous indictments, you’d think our elected Orange County supervisors would openly question Sheriff Gates’ competence in view of his continuing “reckless disregard” for the law.


But instead they question this latest guilty verdict. Supervisor Don R. Roth found the verdict “sad” because the county is “already in a tremendous crunch financially.” Roger R. Stanton called the guilty verdict “outrageous.”

Gates’ actions should outrage every Orange County citizen. He should be removed from office and made to pay the entire fine himself, not the taxpayers of Orange County.

JUNE MAGUIRE, Mission Viejo
