
Careers of Controversial Artists


Re John and Ernie Feeney’s relationship with the Costa Mesa Council and the arts: I have to say that if I had anything in the least bit controversial to present to that community, I’d certainly want that couple on my marketing team.

Who could ask for better publicity?

They and judges and juries of Florida (they seem to have replaced being banned in Boston) have done more to help along the careers of both good and lousy artists.

One could certainly argue that 2 Live Crew’s and Robert Mapplethorpe’s names would have been on the lips of only a few had not such folk made such a to-do about them.


I wish I could get my adrenaline up about such matters!

But I just seem to find myself concerned about such minor matters as Iraq, the budget, the health-care crisis, the lack of response from our state and elected officials, the homeless, the lack of child care and of mental health-care services, a foundering educational system and that bugaboo that’s been relegated to the back pages and isn’t even mentioned on TV any more--the savings and loan crisis!


Newport Beach
