
Power of Attorney


On Aug. 26 there was an item in Real Estate Q&A; entitled “Get Right Form for Power of Attorney” about a title officer’s recommendation as to the use of a general power of attorney since many special powers of attorney do not have the proper wording as to powers needed.

This approach is workable, but can be dangerous since the attorney in fact can use the general power of attorney for any property or bank accounts etc. Also, many lenders will only permit the use of a power of attorney if it is specifically only to be used in connection with the property being bought and encumbered.

Our escrow company for many years has used what we think is a better and safer solution. We take a general power of attorney form--cross out the word general and type in special. At the bottom, we then type in that this special power of attorney can only be used for the property described. This solves the problem of not having specific wording as to powers needed and also limits the use to one specific property.



