
Parks, Beaches, Zoos, Museums : Two ballot propositions offer urgently needed funding


The huge influx of people into California over the past decade has brought public parks, beaches and other recreational facilities to the breaking point. Some, particularly in populous areas, are in need of repair and restoration because of overuse and deterioration. Others are completely unsafe.

Two bond issues on the November ballot would raise the money needed to correct these problems. California Proposition 149 would provide funds for parks, beaches and recreational areas statewide. Local Proposition B would support L.A. County parks. Both deserve voter support.

Proposition 149 would authorize $437 million in general obligation bonds to build more facilities in existing parks, beaches, museums and zoos. Some funds would be allocated to local and county recreational projects as well.


But those funds would be far short of the specific needs of Los Angeles County. Proposition B would raise $816 million, the largest county bond issue ever, from property taxes. It would cost the average property owner in Los Angeles County about $10 year for the next 20 years, or a total of $200.

That would be a small price to pay to address the critical and diverse needs of more than 75 public recreational projects in Los Angeles County. Proposition B, which requires two-thirds approval by L.A. voters, also provides for gang prevention projects, such as building a mountain camp and other recreational alternatives for troubled youths, and employing them for community restoration projects. This is an idea whose time has obviously arrived.

Hundreds of thousands of people are turned away from state parks and beaches each year for lack of space. The land to expand them has been acquired, but money is needed to make them accessible to the public. If this shortage of adequate facilities is allowed to continue, it will undermine the quality of life for everyone. And the need is especially urgent in heavily urbanized areas in Southern California.

We urge yes votes on Propositions 149 and B.
