
Race for Sheriff


Sheriff’s candidate Capt. Jim Roache claims the incumbent intimidated the Deputy Sheriff’s Assn. into endorsing Assistant Sheriff Jack Drown for the office of sheriff. Mine was but one of the votes comprising the 96% of the voting membership that endorsed Jack Drown using a secret ballot. The captain’s claim is preposterous and merely an attempt to dismiss what is widely regarded as a very important endorsement.

Without question, it was very courageous for Roache to step forward, call for change, and announce his intention to run against a sheriff who held the office for 20 years. However, courage and a platform of change for change’s sake does not make a competent sheriff.

When the incumbent decided to retire and Drown entered the race, the citizens of San Diego County were given an opportunity to vote for a man who has a vision of where he wants the Sheriff’s Department to go and the clear-cut goals required to take it there. He has the experience and leadership for such a task and the endorsement of the men and women who look to him to lift us out of a dark period.


Good intentions aside, Capt. Roache possesses none of these qualities.

GREG BARNETT, Spring Valley
