
Atlantic Square Is an Investment in the Future


I have been reading with keen interest the recent articles and letters about Atlantic Square and in particular the letter written by Irv and Ruth Willner (Times, Sept. 30).

Although I am sure of their genuine interest in our community, they have presented facts which in some cases are inaccurate and have failed to address other facts which are crucial to the future of Monterey Park.

Although we must be fiscally responsible, the city and Redevelopment Agency are not embarking on this project as an investment standing on its own. We are taking the first crucial step in assuring the financial viability of our community as a whole in years to come.


Our city operates substantially from the revenues generated by sales and property taxes. We have commissioned studies which indicate that, not only does a large portion of our community spend its sales dollars outside of the city, but our commercial districts are falling into disrepair.

Our studies indicate that the best way to attract sales dollars back to our city and to encourage the repair and upgrading of our commercial districts is to bring major goods and services into our city.

The hearing on Oct. 29 is not intended to approve or disapprove the Atlantic Square project. This project was approved last year after the council initiated the condemnation action and approved the developer’s plans. This upcoming hearing is intended to provide a public forum to discuss the most recent changes in the project.


Councilwoman, Monterey Park
