
Drift Toward Chaos in U.S.

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Richard Goodwin (“A Country Diminished in Possibility,” Column Left, Commentary, Oct. 18) hits the nail squarely on the head. Who is causing this drift toward chaos in America? Where is the direction and the leadership? We the people cause it, since we are willing to allow the political charlatans to inundate us with their moronic, negative, sound-bite elections. For example, the latest attempt to answer the public’s disgust with politicians: “Throw the rascals out.” But who will replace them? New rascals.

Instead of throwing the rascals out, throw out the money that makes politicians spend more time raising money and selling influence than actually campaigning. If you throw the money out, many rascals wouldn’t want the job.

If TV and radio followed the public spirit of the print media, they would donate time for candidate debates instead of the sickening sound-bite 30-second junk ads.


If collecting signatures could only be done by volunteers and not by paid collectors, the power of big money would be diluted.

Where are the thousand points of light? Let the mass media act responsibly--let’s get back to the meaning of democracy: rule by the people.

