
Hubert Humphrey Memorial Park


12560 Filmore St., Pacoima

Size: 9.5 acres.

Facilities: Largest indoor basketball auditorium in the San Fernando Valley, north Valley’s only year-round swimming pool, outdoor basketball court, two lighted baseball diamonds, children’s play area.

Hours: 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, till 6 p.m. Fridays through Sundays.

Information: (818) 896-6510.

The best thing that ever happened to Filmore Park was a wild electrical storm that hit the area more than 10 years ago. During that storm, the park’s community building was hit by lightning and caught fire, according to park Director Christine Washington.

“After the fire, the community rallied together and fought to have more services added to the park,” she said.


The community made a difference. Today, the park has the largest indoor basketball gymnasium in the Valley, seating 850. While the park was undergoing construction on the gymnasium, the community also pushed for and received a 50-meter swimming pool that is the only public pool in the north Valley that is kept open year-round. When the improvements were completed, the park was renamed for former Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

The park is also the site of one of the largest latch-key programs in the Valley, serving more than 40 youngsters whose parents could not otherwise afford day care.

Community courses on cooking, crafts and exercise are also scheduled regularly.
