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I just want to throw up! Is this just another attack on waiters / waitresses so the public won’t feel so guilty when they cheat their waiter / waitress out of a 15% gratuity? Yes, “waiters and waitresses have always had plenty of things to look at--the kitchen, other diners, each other.” I might add bills, like any other person who tries to make an honest living. You know, things like a mortgage, car payments, child care and maybe even a night out to dinner.

I am a waiter and I work with other waiters / waitresses who go out of their way every day, day and night, weekends, holidays, to make your dining experience pleasurable. We are constantly at risk of losing our jobs from just one dissatisfied patron. Yet, some people feel that service industry employees are no better than beggars.

Next time Shearer encounters a parking sign that says “Valet Parking: $2.50,” leave the driver a $5 bill. Maybe that man’s child will be better taken care of.



