
BUENA PARK : Kiwanis Does Its Part for the Parks

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The Kiwanis Club is joining the fight to keep local parks clean by “adopting” a city park.

The organization decided to take on the activity as its major project for the decade. Besides providing weekly inspections, the group will collect trash, remove graffiti and make minor repairs.

“In these times of dwindling city funds, we feel that we can not only provide a clean park for residents to enjoy but help save money and time,” Kiwanis President Burt Spencer said in a letter to the City Council.

The Kiwanis Club is the first group to volunteer for the Adopt-a-Park program. The program has existed for several years but the amount of work often scares people off, officials said.


“It is quite a weighty responsibility,” said Director of Public Works Don Kemp. “It is like saying we are willing to be a part-time employee of Buena Park.”
