
Beverly Hills : School Board Officials

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Betty Wilson, a member of the Beverly Hills Unified School District Board of Education since 1983, was installed as board president at an organizational meeting Tuesday. Peggy Goldwyn, a board member since 1987, was named vice president.

Wilson, who attended the Beverly Hills schools, said her goals are open communication, developing students’ English language skills--especially students whose native language is not English--and district funding. She said that passing a parcel tax must be a priority. A parcel tax to raise money for the district fell four votes short of passage in June.

Outgoing President Frank Fenton said at the meeting that he will not seek reelection when his second term on the board expires in 1991. He said he has always supported term limits, especially for local offices. He added that he was dismayed when no challengers ran for the board in the fall of 1989 and said he hoped his early announcement “will provide the parents of this district time to select some great candidates.”
