
McEnroe’s Temper Takes Flight

From Associated Press

John McEnroe, the tennis world’s notorious bad boy, apparently got as upset at missing a connecting flight to Hawaii today as he does at missing a serve.

McEnroe and his party, flying from Los Angeles, missed United Flight 31 from San Francisco to Kona, airline spokeswoman Sara Dornacker said. She said the flight was held several minutes to wait for McEnroe and his four traveling companions, whom she declined to name.

McEnroe had some words with two agents at the gate to Flight 31, and some touching or bumping apparently ensued on both sides, airport police Sgt. Gary O’Donnell said, adding that McEnroe was traveling with his wife, actress Tatum O’Neil, their two children and a nanny.


McEnroe and the agents were escorted to the airport police station, but after about 45 minutes it was evident that neither side wanted to pursue the incident, O’Donnell said.

Dornacker refused to characterize the incident or confirm that any pushing or shoving occurred. She said, however, that the airline “has not signed any complaint or pressed any charges in this matter, and we do not intend to.”

McEnroe was booked on another United flight to Hawaii later in the day, she said.
