
Controversy Over Dolphins

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My comments concern the Dec. 6 column of Al Martinez, “Lo, the Endangered Company.”

Apparently, Martinez writes for a satirical effect. But his obvious lack of understanding of the problem connected with drift nets is reckless journalism.

What StarKist and Chicken of the Sea have promised not to do is purchase tuna captured in a particular type of net, purse seine fish nets. This type of net is used to capture yellowtail tuna, which are attracted to dolphins. Fishermen seek schools of dolphins knowing yellowtail are present as well, drop a net that completely surrounds the school of dolphins and yellowtail and then pull them all on board. The effects on the dolphin and other marine mammals is fatal.

Although I am not personally a member of any environmental group, I would certainly advocate for there to be a solid scientific foundation for any environmentalist claims. Martinez, on the other hand, had the opportunity to “research” this topic more thoroughly than a call to Bumble Bee.


By not weeding the chaff from the seeds in environmental claims, Martinez takes an Archie Bunker armchair approach. Very disappointing for a man in your position, Martinez.


Manhattan Beach
