
Protest Is Fine but Object Is in Question

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Regarding Greg Roa’s letter (“Students Who Protest the Gulf Crisis,” Dec. 16): I’m sorry that he misunderstood the nature of the disappointment in my letter of Dec. 2.

Roa states that he’s “appalled” at my “condescending attitude.” Well, if conclusions based on historical data sound condescending, so be it. But that’s the best way to arrive at conclusions, and the method he should be learning in his social science classes.

I presented no objections to their demonstrating; this is an American right and they should exercise it. What I’m disappointed in is the object of their protest--our President’s decision to protect innocent people and stop a ruthless dictator. The students are demonstrating against the wrong person. The scenario is clear if Saddam has his way. History has proven that reward and appeasement never stop a dictator.


It’s not a question of war or peace. The war is on. It was started by Saddam in early August. The only question is, do we stop him now, while we have committed allies to help, or do we face him a few years down the road when he’ll have the nuclear capacity to start World War III?

The son, brother, or father that Roa is concerned about now will be comparably insignificant relative to the numbers that will be involved in the next one.

As an ex-teacher, I’m proud to see students participate in peaceful demonstrations of their convictions. I just wish their convictions were based on historically proven facts and sound logic. This failure is why I’m disappointed.


