
HUNTINGTON BEACH : 25th Anniversary Logo Prize Awarded

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A graphic design professor at Golden West College has won a $2,500 contest for designing a logo for the school’s 25th anniversary, which will be celebrated beginning next September.

The professor, Jack Heard, is also director of the campus Fine Arts Gallery.

“I’m surprised that I won,” said Heard. “I expected a lot of pros to be working on this. I’m not into contests that much. I’m used to working on logos with a client where there is a lot of give and take. A contest is a one-shot deal.”

Heard’s winning design, picked by a panel of judges as the best among 80 entries, shows a sleek numeral 25 in semicircles and stripes.


According to Fay L. Hendry, the campus public relations director, the $2,500 contest award comes from private funds and not taxpayer dollars.

One of the judges, Frank Hopkins, owner of an advertising agency in Fountain Valley, said: “This (winning entry) is one of the most original designs I have seen for combining a 2 and a 5.”

The new commemorative logo will start appearing on college publications next spring, said John Wordes, chairman of the college’s silver anniversary committee.
