
FBI Interviews


The Times reports (Jan. 8) that FBI agents are currently interviewing Arab-American businessmen in the U.S. in light of the threats of terrorism worldwide from Iraq. The FBI states that these interviews are intended to protect the Arab-American businessmen from retaliation should the U.S. and Iraq go to war as well as to head off any possible internal Arab terrorist activities.

This behavior on the part of our FBI is outrageous and must be condemned for what it is--a retreat to paranoia a la the Japanese internment of World War II. Didn’t we just award millions to Japanese-Americans in reparation for that debacle?

The overall anti-Arab sentiment in this country is sickening and stems from a one-sided view of the overall Middle East unrest, particularly the Palestinian issue.


It is time for a national debate in this country that considers both sides of the unrest in the Middle East, not just our tunnel vision, one-sided approach orchestrated by well-funded lobbyists.

