
City Pay for Reserves

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The hundreds of thousands of men and women in the U.S. armed forces laying their lives on the line in the Persian Gulf deserve our heartfelt support, our prayers, and, where pay is concerned, equitable treatment.

As it is, reservists called to duty receive a higher level of monetary and educational benefits than the “regular” military receive. Now, the Los Angles City Council intends to create an elite group within the reservists.

The council approved a special bonus for all city employees in the reserves called to active duty. For six months, they intend to pay that special group the difference between their regular city salary and their military salary, from $800 to $3,000 a month, depending on position.


That will mean that while two U.S. Army Reserve privates work identical duty, the one called from his private sector job will be paid the military base monthly salary of $1,001.40, while the one called from his job as an LAPD detective will receive $4,158.60 a month. What does that do to morale?

All reservists’ families feel the pinch, not just those of L.A. city employees. Any increase in the woefully low military pay should be provided across the board by the federal government in an equitable, non-discriminatory manner.


Councilman, 7th District
