
Oxnard : Schools OK Layoff, Demotion Policies

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The Oxnard school board has approved three policies that would allow the district to lay off, demote, reassign or dismiss managers who have specialties that are not related to education, such as purchasing, transportation or finance.

However, Kent Patterson, assistant superintendent of personnel, said Wednesday that the new policies were not before the board because of pending layoffs.

“It just happens to be timely,” he said. “We are certainly looking at a reduction in staff. We want to make sure all the policies are up to date so that we can exercise them.”


In December, the board reactivated the district’s budget advisory committee, which will propose how to cut the 1991-92 budget by about $2.8 million. A shortfall in lottery funds and budget cuts by former Gov. George Deukmejian have strapped the district, which has more than 12,000 children enrolled in a year-round program.

District officials have not said how many layoffs might be expected. They stressed that the budget will be balanced through a combination of layoffs in administrative, teacher and clerical positions, and reductions in programs and services. It is expected that the budget advisory committee, which is made up of administrators, teachers, district staff and community leaders, will be making layoff proposals on Feb. 27.
