
Reporter’s Conduct


If the item in the media column by Kevin Brass (“San Diego Spotlight,” Feb. 4) on KFMB-TV (Channel 8) reporter John Culea’s conduct while on assignment in Saudi Arabia is a true account, Mr. Culea should never be allowed to cover any significant news stories again.

John Culea’s actions of slipping pages of the Bible into the copy of the Koran, and altering the position of the decal showing the direction of Mecca in his hotel room displayed immature, crude, senseless, callow and totally unprofessional conduct.

And then to return to the United States following his inexcusable behavior only to brag about it before a church congregation indicates a juvenile mentality which is not quite ready to be let loose in the adult world.


One might expect such inane thoughtless deeds from an unschooled teen-ager, but certainly not from a newsperson charged with the responsibility of unbiased reporting of current events.

Apparently, John Culea forgot he was a guest in a country with widely different cultural standards and beliefs other than his own. Talk about “The Ugly American!”

