
Presidential Opponents to Bush in ’92

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Regarding Baker’s missive on the 1992 presidential race, I say, thank God for such a possibility. After all, if the Democrats fielded a candidate, that candidate might actually win. America can ill afford that.

Let’s look at our recent history and see the Democrats’ “triumphs”: Franklin D. Roosevelt, who created a “temporary” welfare state and then packed the courts with yes men, so that none of his programs would be turned down; Harry S. Truman, who should have learned from the victory of World War II, but instead gave us our first stalemated war in Korea; John F. Kennedy, who wimped out on an opportunity to help exiled Cubans overthrow Castro; Lyndon B. Johnson, who escalated another stalemated war while tying our soldiers’ hands with “rules of engagement.” Let’s not forget that Johnson’s Great Society put warp drive on the welfare state, forever giving Congress a way to increasingly rob us of the fruits of our labor.

And last, but not least, there’s Jimmy Carter, the smiling peanut farmer who broke off diplomatic relations with Taiwan just because the Communists in Beijing wanted it that way. In less than a decade, we’ll have to deal with his giveaway of the Panama Canal, and right now, we’re strangled by his executive order forbidding assassination of petty dictators like Saddam Hussein.


For so many years, the Democratic Party has stood for isolation, a weak military, endless handout and giveaway programs for the irresponsible, funded by endless taxing of we who build and produce for America. Their candidates have parroted those platforms, and whenever elected, acted them out with passion. Responsible citizens just can’t stand any more of that “progress.”


