
John Vasconcellos

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Your readers’ vengeful remarks about Assemblyman John Vasconcellos (letters, Feb. 11) exemplify the shortsightedness of today’s public policy environment. Let’s face it, term limits are bad public policy. They throw out the good with the bad. Vasconcellos happens to be a living example of why term limits will cost us all dearly.

Vasconcellos’ loving, sensitive, thoughtful, creative and long-term thinking will be erased in 1996 never to be replaced by any six-year, in-and-out legislator. The ability to bring about compromise, the ability to sift out truth from the plethora of information dumped on the Legislature by special interest, and the willingness to avoid quick-fix measures in favor of the long-term good of the state are the true casualties of Prop. 140.

It is understandable why Vasconcellos will now serve half-heartedly, given how the voters have rewarded him for his untouchable ethics and commitment.



Sherman Oaks
