
Bush Declares Days of Thanksgiving

<i> Associated Press</i>

Here are excerpts from a proclamation by President Bush setting April 5-7 as national days of thanksgiving.

As the psalmist wrote, “O give thanks to the Lord for He is gracious, for His mercy endures forever.” Almighty God has answered the prayers of millions of people with the liberation of Kuwait and the end of offensive operations in the Persian Gulf region.

We prayed for a swift and decisive victory and for the safety of our troops. Clearly, the United States and our coalition partners have been blessed with both. We thank the Lord for His favor, and we are profoundly grateful for the relatively low number of allied casualties, a fact described by the commanding general as “miraculous.”


We also give thanks for the remarkable unity of our people throughout this conflict--a unity marked by heartfelt and generous support for our troops in the field and, in the American tradition, respect for the rights of those who dissent.

As we unite in thanksgiving to Almighty God, let us pray in a special way for the innocent men, women, and children--wherever they may be--who have suffered as a result of the conflict in the Gulf.

Finally, seeing before us the promise of a safer, more peaceful world--one marked by respect for the rule of law--let us offer all these entreaties in a spirit of faith, humility and gratitude, seeking reconciliation with all peoples.
