
It’s the down side of fame. First...

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It’s the down side of fame. First come the newspaper and People magazine interviews that herald the arrival of a new star. Then, suddenly, the celebrity finds himself splashed across the pages of the scandal-filled National Enquirer.

The pattern didn’t hold for Shaun Chater of Canoga Park, former Only in L.A. cover model. He is featured on page 2 of the latest issue of the Enquirer, accompanied by three photos. But there’s not a hint of scandal about the champion weightlifter.

Then again, as father Mike pointed out with a laugh, “He’s only 6 years old.”

Obviously trying to fill the void left by the demise of our Malathion Poem of the Week competition, Al Hix of Hollywood has turned his attention toward another pesky problem that figures to be here for awhile. He captured Drought Poem of the Week honors with this ditty:


About conservation,

Some families may bicker.

It’s one indication


That blood is not thicker.

Dr. Marvin Leaf of Rancho Mirage, on the other hand, was moved to verse by our discussion of the more popular names of the 203,148 dogs registered in L.A.

Leaf recalled “this sardonic couplet, widely quoted in my prehistoric high school days”:

Although I’ve roamed the wide world ove r

I’ve never seen a dog named Fido or Rover.


Leaf adds, “Has anyone?”

Deborah McDuff says the city has ignored her complaints that the Public Works Department has been dragging its feet instead of repaving Hoover Street outside her restaurant, Art ‘n’ Barbee’s BBQ, in Silver Lake. So she’s telling the world about it via wall posters (see photo).

It’s those little chance encounters with strangers that can make living in L.A. so enriching. Paul Williams was waiting in a copier shop when a street person asked for a handout.

“He was very sad and said he hadn’t eaten in three days,” related Williams. “He said he just needed enough to get a bag of Cheetos.”

With time on his hands, Williams went next door and bought the man some Cheetos. “I handed them to him,” Williams continued. “He opened the bag and poured them in my lap.”

Maybe he’d really asked for Fritos .

Oh, we almost forgot. City records indicate there are 52 dogs named Fido and 83 Rovers in L.A.


There are 35 AM and 53 FM radio stations based in L.A.
