
Council Candidate’s Financial Report Omits $9,850 in Debts

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A recent campaign finance report filed by Los Angeles City Council candidate Mary Lee Gray failed to list nearly $10,000 she owes for polling and consulting, meaning that the statement overstated how much money she has to spend against incumbent Ruth Galanter.

Gray’s report through Feb. 23 showed she had $13,418 in the bank, and no debts. But an amended statement filed last week showed $9,850 in debts, which Gray’s campaign plans to pay off shortly, said campaign Treasurer Phil Parlett.

That would leave the Gray campaign with $3,568 for campaign expenses, not counting funds raised since Feb. 23.


Parlett said he mistakenly believed that the debts--owed to the polling firm of Steinberg & Associates and to campaign consultant Harvey Englander--did not have to be reported until the bills were paid. He filed the amendment as soon as he learned that debts had to be reported to the city clerk, Parlett said.

Gray, an aide to Supervisor Deane Dana, is one of six candidates challenging Galanter in the 6th City Council District, which stretches from Venice and Mar Vista to Westchester and the Crenshaw District.

Galanter’s statement showed $92,787 in the bank and $996 in debts.

Galanter campaign consultant Steven Glazer charged that Gray attempted to draw favorable press reports by intentionally misstating how much money her campaign had in reserve.


But Gray said the reporting error was a honest mistake and that, even with less money, her campaign is still viable.

As of Feb. 23, Gray had collected $45,354 for the race. At the same point in her successful 1987 effort to unseat incumbent Pat Russell, Galanter had collected $14,958.

The only other Galanter challenger who has collected significant contributions is Tavis Smiley, a former aide to Mayor Tom Bradley. Smiley, who reported $34,861 in donations, had $1,955 left in the bank and $1,711 in debts as of Feb. 23.
