
Quiroz’s Resignation

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In response to “County Mental Care Chief Resigns, Criticizes Funding,” Metro, March 7:

While I can appreciate the frustration of (Los Angeles County Mental Health Director) Roberto Quiroz over issues which led to his resignation, the timing of this “justification” seems ironic since Gov. Pete Wilson has repeatedly voiced his support for mental health services during the first two months of his Administration.

The governor has openly acknowledged that county programs have struggled over the years with inadequate resources. Government by initiatives and ballot-box budgeting have eroded the ability to set priorities based on immediate needs.

That is why the governor has proposed realigning community mental health services--taking them out of the general fund and transferring to local government both administration of mental health programs and the revenue needed to do the job and grow with program needs.


The future of overall state funding is bleak, there’s no denying it. But the governor is attempting every appropriate recourse to preserve and improve mental health services and to offer a financial lifeline to long-struggling counties.

KATHRYN E. PERRY, Assistant Director for Public Affairs, Department of Mental Health, Sacramento
