
Nurses Fill a Vital Need in the Schools

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The Orange County School Nurses Organization supports the concept of the healthy child. We think that the current trend in some school districts to cut out school nurse positions is not in the best interest of our children’s welfare.

With a background that includes growth and development, education, psychology, social and cultural variables and problem-solving techniques, the school nurse, on a daily basis, deals with ill children, possible suicides, drug abuse, child abuse, latchkey children, dropouts, runaways, teen-age pregnancy and families in crisis.

More than 46% of uninsured children in our state never see a physician. The school nurse is often the only health professional that these children come in contact with during their school years.


Therefore, we encourage administrators, teachers and parents to support their school nurses and to have districts look to other places to make budget cuts. For the health and welfare of our children, school nurses belong in our schools. Healthy children learn better.

JOEY VAN CAMP, Westminster. Van Camp is the public relations officer for the Orange County School Nurses Organization.
