
TELEVISION - March 28, 1991


They Love a Parade: Veteran parade watchers Bob Eubanks and Leeza Gibbons will be the hosts of KTLA’s 4-6 p.m. live coverage of “Hollywood’s Welcome Home Desert Storm Parade” on May 19. The parade will honor returning Persian Gulf War military personnel and veterans of the Korean and Vietnam wars. Johnny Grant is the parade creator-producer and also executive producer of the telecast. The “Desert Storm Parade” will march down the same route on Hollywood and Sunset boulevards as does the “Hollywood Christmas Parade.”

Fun With Fans: “Twin Peaks” cast members will fan out tonight to attend parties with their fans in Los Angeles, New York City, Washington and Iowa City. The events were arranged by COOP (The Coalition Opposing the Offing of Peaks), a group that organized a letter-writing campaign to keep the show on the air. They’re celebrating the return of the show on ABC at 10 tonight.
