
Dealing With Discrimination


I am a high school counselor and teacher in a private high school who deals daily with the issues that Navarrette explains. I counsel Latino, African-American and Asian juniors regarding their college admission chances and I address prejudice and discrimination in the classroom with seniors.

What my students and experience have taught me takes Navarrette’s idea one step further. Yes, minority college graduates have to endure the backlash comments of reverse discrimination from ethnic counterparts in the work force, but it is because of narrow-mindedness and ignorance that people of all ethnicities make discriminating remarks.

If we as educators would take the time to explore social concerns and then explain the big picture to our young people, we may hear less of “he was admitted only because he is. . . .” It takes courage, test scores, integrity, grades and knowing the process to get into college and pursue higher degrees.


You tell me Navarrette will pursue a doctorate in education at UCLA. I plan to apply for the same degree at UCLA for fall, 1992. I am a white female. I hope I get accepted.

