
Judge’s Ruling on Chief Gates


Judge Ronald Sohigian’s ruling baffles me (“Judge Upholds City Council’s Reinstatement of Chief Gates,” front page, May 14). It’s astounding more for what it doesn’t say than what it says. The burning question in my mind is this: Just how did Daryl Gates’ lawsuit have any merit anyway? He had been placed on leave with full pay! What monetary damages could he possibly ask for? It’s the same type of administrative leave on which Gates would routinely place his own officers, before proceeding with any investigation.

The Police Commission is the branch of government charged with protecting us from police brutality. With the commission powerless, is it any wonder that officers felt they could get away with writing a fictitious police report after beating Rodney King senseless? While I feel Gates should be fired, final responsibility for police abuse rests with the City Council.

