
STAGE REVIEW : ‘Peggy Judy’: a Paean to Tacky


Parodies of tacky lounge acts have been a favorite comedy shtick for years now, but their numbers are proliferating.

In “The Peggy Judy Comeback Tour,” a late-night hoot at the Voo Doo Lounge (Company of Angels in Silver Lake), ‘60s starlet Peggy Judy (Molly Brandenburg) returns after “the rough years” of 1974-89.

It’s a show that’s just right for a rowdy bachelorette party--in fact, one such party made up half the audience on the night I was there. They especially enjoyed whooping at the men in the show: Julio Rodriguez Rodriguez (Victor Gardell), a would-be Iglesias, and the deadpan dance duo of Spike (director Lee Magnuson) and Tyrone (Don Oscar Smith), whose exertions and costumes in such numbers as “Cherokee Nation” and a James Bond medley are examples of kitsch at its funniest.


Peggy Judy herself is no slouch in the bad-taste department. Brandenburg and Steve Mazur wrote her patter, and her blond bubble-head hairdo, tight skirts, slinky posture and belting renditions of such songs as “In the Year 2525” fill in the details.

“The Peggy Judy Comeback Tour,” Company of Angels, 2106 Hyperion Ave. Silverlake, Saturdays at 10:30 p.m. Ends June 29. $10. (213) 466-1767. Running time: 1 hour.
