
CSULB Gets $750,000 Grant


The Cal State Long Beach School of Natural Sciences has been awarded a $750,000 grant by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Bethesda, Md.

The five-year grant will support four areas in the School of Natural Sciences. Student development activities that include summer training for pre-freshman students, and summer research opportunities and publication of research for upper division students will be funded, as will faculty development in the sciences, providing laboratory start-up and student assistants for new science faculty members.

Other areas supported by the grant are curriculum enhancements to include the integration of molecular biology with introductory courses, the establishment of a modern molecular biology laboratory course, outreach activities for faculty members at local community colleges to facilitate the transfer of students to four-year programs, and outreach in the sciences for high school students.


The Howard Hughes Medical Institute, established in 1953, employs scientists in the fields of cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience and structural biology.
