
The Bowers Museum’s Board of Governors has...

Compiled by Kenneth Williams

The Bowers Museum’s Board of Governors has elected a new slate of officers, headed by Parker S. Kennedy, president of First American Title Insurance Co. A resident of Santa Ana, Kennedy is also on the board of the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Other new officers include: Judy Fluor Runels, vice president administration; Lawrence Sporty, vice president collections; John Rau, vice president development; Harriet Harris, second vice president development; Ruth Seigle,vice president programming; Donna Karlen, secretary; and Fernando Niebla, treasurer.

Alternative Repertory Theatre of Santa Ana raised $4,300 at its third annual parking-lot rummage sale last weekend, topping last year’s take by about $1,300, a theater official said. The funds, from sales of donated office furniture, books, household appliances and other goods, will primarily benefit printing and mailing of the four-year-old troupe’s season brochure.

Last Sunday’s tea for the Megan Jones Mural Preservation Fund raised $535 toward the estimated $30,000 cost of preserving “Shadows of the Past,” a mural painted at Laguna Beach High School by a 1984 graduate who died three years later. The mural was painted on walls that will be demolished in the $10-million renovation of the school, scheduled to begin next year. (An incorrect address for donations was provided to The Times last week. The correct address is: Laguna Beach Unified School District, 550 Blumont St., Laguna Beach, CA 92651.)
