
S.D. Coast Guard Captain Relieved

From Associated Press

The Coast Guard has temporarily relieved the commander of its Group Air Station in San Diego “for cause” just one year after he took the job, a spokesman said Thursday.

Capt. H. M. Dillian, 47, was relieved Wednesday night and was reassigned to the Coast Guard’s 11th District headquarters in Long Beach, Lt. Cmdr. Jim Milbury said.

Milbury refused to discuss the case further, saying it was an internal personnel matter. Coast Guard officials in Washington will review the case and could either make the action permanent, order the captain’s reinstatement or order him transferred.


Dillian has been replaced by Capt. Gary R. McGuffin, who previously was Coast Guard group commander at Humboldt Bay in Northern California.

Dillian, a 26-year Coast Guard veteran, took over command of the 226-person Group Air Station on July 6, 1990. The air station is home to four helicopters, three Falcon jets, two 82-foot cutters, one 110-foot cutter and numerous patrol boats.
