
OXNARD : Emergency Rides for Car Pools Promised

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Oxnard Elementary School District employees who commute to work in car pools will be provided a free ride home if they have a family emergency on the job, according to a policy adopted by trustees Thursday.

In an effort to make car-pooling and other energy-saving modes of transportation more appealing, the district will guarantee transportation to any of the district’s 1,000 employees who become stranded without their cars.

“Anything that eliminates reasons for taking your own car helps the cause of conservation,” district spokesman Robert Foster said. “Emergencies have been a major dilemma up until now.”


The policy is a response to the county’s transportation management plan, which requires large employers to implement strategies aimed at reducing single-occupant car trips. Under the county’s plan, employers could be fined $25,000 a day if they do not comply.

Foster said the ride policy, which could send employees home in a paid-for taxicab, will become effective in two weeks.

There now is about one car for every employee in the district. The goal of the policy is to reduce that ratio to 1.3 employees per car, Foster said.
