
Growth Initiative OKd for Ballot

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Supporters of a citizens-managed growth initiative learned Wednesday that they have collected enough valid signatures on petitions to qualify the issue for next June’s ballot.

Based on a random sample, the San Diego County voter registrar’s office estimated that nearly 81%, or about 67,000, of the 82,455 signatures turned in two weeks ago by Prevent Los Angelization Now! were valid--more than enough for the 56,585-name requirement.

The San Diego City Council will have two options in regard to the growth measure when it returns from its summer recess next month: either adopt the initiative as an ordinance, or place it on the June, 1992, citywide primary ballot.


“We’re obviously hoping the council adopts it, because that would be cheaper, quicker and simpler,” said PLAN leader Peter Navarro.

PLAN officials contend that the so-called Planned Growth and Taxpayer Relief Initiative would help ensure that builders pay their fair share of additional public services necessitated by new development. Critics, however, contend that it would virtually halt growth, dramatically increasing housing costs.
