
The Pros and Cons of Stargazing in L.A.

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Regarding “New Directions for Sean Penn” (Aug. 18):

Back in 1985, when I was a kid shopping on Melrose, I came across Sean Penn and Madonna, his wife of maybe three weeks at the time.

I was thrilled to see them both and asked for their autographs. Penn pulled Madonna by the arm, threw my pen and paper at me and yelled words I will not write.

After all these years, I want Penn to know that I don’t have a chip on my shoulder, nor am I one of the “nine out of 10 people” he says come up to him and call him obscenities, but just someone who admired the artist in him.


The word compassion is very strong and powerful. I hope that as a director Penn knows how to use it. Because I will never forget the way he made me feel in front of all those people on Melrose.


North Hollywood
