
Readers Join Debate on Medical Ethics


Cost cannot be the only issue in saving very sick infants. There are no rules that guarantee if high-tech expensive medical treatment is used, the infant will survive. However, your article failed to explore some of the very positive results of these so-called “controversial” and expensive treatments.

My daughter, who is now 3 years old, was the 68th baby on ECMO at Childrens Hospital. We weren’t given any guarantees, but because conventional respirator treatment was not resuscitating her, ECMO was the only chance she had. She is now happy, completely healthy and scores from average to above average on every developmental test she’s had.

As health care costs soar, it would be very disturbing to think that financial considerations will be the determination for who lives and dies. I believe that as long as proven medical technology is developed, we have to find a way to offer these life-saving measures to our children and offer them a healthy and happy life.


