
Nuestro Tiempo Special Edition: Artes de Mexico : Linking Our Past to Present, Future

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Los Angeles is rooted in Mexican culture. Its past, its present and its future are built on the contributions of its Mexican founders, natives and immigrants.

The presentation of Mexican art and culture in Los Angeles, therefore, is not an aesthetic carnival disconnected from day-to-day reality. Mexican culture is a vital, vibrant and dynamic part of Los Angeles today.

More than two years ago, with the encouragement of the Rockefeller Foundation and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, a group of Latinos and others interested in Mexican culture formed the Artes de Mexico Festival Committee and began organizing the Artes de Mexico Festival. This four-month long festival is meant to complement the arrival of the largest exhibit of Mexican art ever presented in Los Angeles.


During the next few months, we hope to present Mexican art and culture not as something alien, exotic, mired in the past but as something at once historic and contemporary, something that belongs to all Angelenos.

We invite you to explore and participate in this once in a lifetime celebration.

Armando Duron, President

Artes de Mexico Festival Committee
