
Real-World Dolls Are Added to the Toy Box


Three cheers for Cathy Meredig’s Happy to Be Me doll (“Throwing Barbie a Curve,” Aug. 20). The Mattel people need some more prodding. Toy makers need to know how much power they have to create or destroy our children’s self-esteem. I did read somewhere that a black and brown Barbie have recently been created. I’m very excited to know that the “powers that be” are waking up to the real world.

The reason the Barbie scene is so powerful an influence is because it is directly wired into the adult world, and realistic images are rare there also. I urge all self-respecting women to read Naimi Wolf’s new book, “The Beauty Myth.” Ms. Wolf has done a great deal to raise my consciousness about the effects that are created by the powerful beauty industry. The effects are all connected with lowering the self-esteem of any woman who compares herself to the airbrushed pictures in the mass media. It doesn’t matter how beautiful a woman is, she will be encouraged to find some part of herself to hate.

I challenge all women to think twice about their self-esteem and the influences upon it . . . including the dolls you played with!



San Juan Capistrano
