
Teacher’s Creation Battle: Controversy Evolving


Having attended another of biology teacher John Peloza’s “Evolutionary Firing Line” meetings at Capistrano Valley High School, I’m still unclear as to his position regarding the theory of evolution.

Peloza declares that he only teaches science, not religion, in his classroom and then proceeds to label Darwinism a religious dogma. He also says that he cannot be forced to teach what the state of California biology curriculum mandates simply because it is an untrue, politically correct point of view.

He asserts that evolution has a vast number of interpretations; therefore, I assume that his students will bring a wide array of notions to his classroom. How will Peloza teach evolution correctly?


As a non-scientist I understand that, essentially, Darwin began a revolution 150 years ago in how we perceive the past of the human species. Ever since, that theory has been under siege, as well it should be, and scientists have added and deleted from the basic structure.

Have the basic facts that support the theory of evolution been refuted by Peloza and his adherents, and if so, what correct theory of evolution will he bring to his classroom this fall?

